▲ <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 1)> Mixed media on aluminum, 112x112x5cm, 2021
from the left ▶︎
1. <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 sm)> Mixed media on aluminum, 51x51x5cm, 2021
2. <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 sm 2)> Mixed media on aluminum, 51x51x5cm, 2021
3. <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 sqs Wh)> Mixed media on aluminum, 51x51x5cm, 2021
4. <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 sqs)> Mixed media on aluminum, 51x51x5cm, 2021
5. <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 VIP)> Mixed media on aluminum, 51x51x5cm, 2021
6. <Visible Sound(Heaven, Earth and Human 天地人 Blue sqs)> Mixed media on aluminum, 51x51x5cm, 2021